At the start of the year no one suspected
That a virus, COVID-19, would be detected.
This virus has spread faster than anyone might have guessed.
Leaving families in the lurch, unprepared and hard-pressed.
Many are struggling to pay bills and find food.
Juggling/losing jobs, homeschool/parenting; in general, feeling screwed.
How could this happen? Who dropped the baton?
Yet playing the “blame game” won’t help us move on…
Toward solving the issues presented before us,
I have a few thoughts that I’d like to discuss.
Possible ways to mentally manage and cope
With the unknown, the future, and yes, offer hope.
1. When you start feeling mad, count to 10 and breathe deep
Increased oxygen levels decrease stress/ improve sleep.
Speaking of sleep, make sure you get lots,
This will help you remain in control of your thoughts.
2. During times when you question your value and self-worth
Reverse that thought from doubt to rebirth.
You’re growing and stretching in unusual places
This doesn’t mean you’re losing, but rather covering your bases.
3. Embrace the “unknowns” the “WTF’s” and “isolation”
Reframe this time as a “social vacation”.
Make time for your family, hold them close, cuddle much.
Research has shown decreased loneliness with healthy touch.
4. Increases in frustration, depression and anxiety
WIll be seen in yourself, your family and society.
These responses are normal during times of confusion
Cut yourself slack and don’t jump to conclusions.
5. Living with ambiguity makes planning seem fruitless.
Life feels unmanageable with all the sudden “newness.”
Slow down your thoughts, one step first, then another,
Look for new paths and new ways to discover.
6. With spouses and children, possibly pets at every turn
The space where you live may cause you heartburn.
Take a few Tums, a 5 minute break.
Do something for you, hell, bake a huge cake!
7. Music is something you can use to spark joy
So dance when negative thoughts start to destroy.
When you listen to music your entire brain is engaged.
So your feelings of happiness will overpower the rage.
8. Whether you like structure or prefer to “hang loose”
Having some sort of “guideline” can help to diffuse
Potential fights around “screen time”, expectations and chores
Offering choices empowers others “you wanna wash the clothes or the floors?”
9. It’s become clear that the longer “quarantine” remains
More and more people will start feeling “chained”.
The restlessness will result in many disobeying
Leaving their homes to socialize with others left praying.
10. For the sake of your countrymen, your family, the lot
Please follow the doc’s orders, we’re all that we’ve got.
I know distance blows, it’s disturbing and tense.
Never fear, someday soon, we’ll hear “let the huggin’ commence.”
Not everyone has a say in how they “will serve”
Whether sitting at home or rushing orders to curbs.
Some are deemed “essential” and we wish you good luck.
Hopefully soon this will all get unstuck.
When it’s all said and done, and restrictions are lifted
Let’s remember this time as a gift that shape-shifted.
A pleasant surprise at the core of the storm.
Like a large, plush soft blanket all cozy and warm.
We have a choice every day when we wake
To embrace the new challenges head on and remake
A life that more resembles our hearts and our minds
One kinder toward animals, the earth, humankind.
I’ll leave you with these final words of advice
Hold your partner, kiss your kid(s), nothing less will suffice.
For tomorrow brings challenges, for now the unknown.
So today embrace “the moment” before the time’s flown.