Twas the month of December and parents everywhere,
we’re racing and rushing with apparently little care.
Yet we all know the truth as we all can see,
just how difficult and stressful the holidays can be.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the “who must I buy for…
…and how can I afford it, but wait, I still need more?”
The holiday season isn’t just about gifting.
It’s about reflection on the year and the year ahead, and new beginnings.
It’s about asking oneself who you can’t live without,
And making sure you give them your “best,” of that I’ve no doubt.
For those that love you most will merely want you;
With plenty of time to be close and to do what “you do.”
So, when you start to feel your blood pressure raise,
Don’t let those neck cramps and anxiety poos ruin your day.
Take a deep breathe, that’s it, nice and slow.
Breathe in and breathe out and let that shit go.
This year will be different and I’ll tell you why.
Because this year, the time will simply fly by.
So “gift” your children the best gift of all.
“Now dash away! Dash away! Dash down the hall!”
Go kiss your lovely babes and tuck them into bed.
This year will be less stressful, not full of holiday dread.
If you shift how you view things, you can change your perspective.
And in turn become much-much-much-much more “objective.”
Tell yourself you and everyone else can “live with the mess,”
and finally let go of all of that stress.
Spend time with your kids playing games and reading books,
Rather than sweeping and scrubbing every corner and nook.
Tis’ the season to remember the real reason of the holidays.
Not to navigate all those mall parking lot mazes.
Spend time with your kid(s), really look them in the eye.
Tell them you love them, and be sure to say why.
We all enjoy hearing how our lives matter to others,
From friendships to co-workers, to fathers and mothers.
Your child(ren) won’t forever live just down the hall.
The distance between you will become more than a wall.
Take the time now to hug them close and hold on to them tight.
Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.