Accessible Guidance

Bold Love

Creative Approach

Accessible Guidance

Bold Love

Creative Approach

Music Recommendations

Music is a powerful healing tool that is often under-utilized in the world of Western medicine. Listening to music that matches your internal energy creates a kinesthetic connection due to the shared “vibrations.” Your body is always moving in rhythms and beats: how your blood pumps through your veins, the way your muscles move in a “smooth gait” when you walk, the melodic cadence in a sentence, and nerve endings reacting and spontaneously firing off “energy” inside your body.
Listening to music that matches our internal state brings us peace. This means when your child is acting like a manic monkey don’t put on sleepy-time music thinking that will calm them down. When you’re feeling excited or nervous, put on music with an upbeat tempo and positive lyrics. You want to pick music that matches the energy. Be picky about the music you listen to and remember, uplifting songs make you feel empowered for a reason. A song that degrades other human beings doesn’t usually offer that same “warm fuzzy” feeling. That being said, it could validate an experience in your life and help you feel “seen.” Just be aware of the impact music has on you.
Below are several lists I update frequently. If you like the song list you should save it to another playlist as I rotate music through when the mood strikes.


A good lyric can literally touch your soul and heal a wound.  Those words combined with an amazingly haunting melody can do more than that.  That song can heal the wound and then wrap you up in a blanket, bring you a large cup of (pick one) a. Coffee b. Wine c. Beer d. other) and make you feel human again.  Make you feel heard and understood and accepted for exactly who you are…you have a glimmer of hope.  

The featured song does this….and it is my personal message to you.  I look forward to our journey together.  Don’t forget to sign-up for my newsletters! I promise I won’t send oodles and when I do send something you can bet I will try at least once to make you smile/laugh/feel understood and loved.